Palm Springs Engagement Photos


After catching C0VID while photographing a wedding this winter, I decided that since my family survived our worst nightmare, we would take advantage of our fleeting immunity and travel (safely) while we could. I’m not happy that we had to experience the virus, but taking Angela and Nathan’s palm springs engagement photos was a beaming silver lining.

We started the session at the Andreas Trail in Indian Canyon. The couple left their home before dawn and drove 2 hours to meet me. Angela hiked most of the trail in heels, and neither of them batted an eye when I asked them to climb boulders. The desert oasis is stunning, and the trail leads to an overlook with views of the mountains surrounding Palm Springs.

After freshening up at my Mid-Century Airbnb and taking a few pictures around the yard, we headed to the Palm Springs Visitors Center for some more architectural images. Angela and Nathan are architectural engineers and I wanted to incorporate their passion into some creative photos.

We ended the engagement session in downtown Palm Springs and found some street art to add variety to the photo gallery.

It’s been a while since I’ve been so inspired by a location. But even the magical colors and light couldn’t compare to the magic between Nathan and Angela.


Lincoln Park Engagement Photos


Tabor Hill Wedding